Film review: Kangamba
Film review: Kangamba
1. How does the film, Kangamba, show Cuban internationalism in Angola?
It shows how the cuban international policy worked, specially in the revolutionary process and war in Angola, how they sent young soldiers to a war they did not truly understand, but that they felt as their own. It portrays how the cuban soldiers fought in an poor enviroment with scarce provitions, access to health care and barely any sources of communication.
2. What was the most impactful scene for you? Why?
The more impactful scene for me was the one of the bombing, it felt really real and it was shocking to see the people suffering and heavily wounded. The movie was kind of raw and the scenes of the injured were a bit traumatic for me (I have hemophobia). Even so I think is fine to portray war as it was, because we are used to a version that lack realness, I think that is one of the reasons that some people joke about war and usually threat with it, the don't know how hard it is, they dream that all the good people survives, but life is not so kind.
The end was also kind of sad, because the main character survived until the end, but was killed by a scared enemy who was abandoned. (even worse, it was when he was free to love the girl)
3. What was something you liked and something you disliked about the film? Why?
Well, I did not like the movie, I think it was hard to understand and some scenes were not coherent with the previous one.
I can say that I really liked the special effects of the movie, but it's kind of bad of me, because they made me laught a lot. I think it was a bad decision of the producers to put them, because they were poorly made and the movie could have worked perfectly without them (maybe my opinion is a bit biased, because I'm used to the high quality in Hollywood).
I liked that it showed a perspective that is not usually seen,like the scarcity of food, water and arms. It was also good the sense of international coopertation against an unfair struggle, no mater the country or language.
I don't even want to talk about the love story, it was horrible and it made no sense.

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